Check out the new page here
Hello My Loves,
I hope you've all had a wonderful start to your week. I apologize for the lack of posting on my blog. I've been working around the clock trying to foster illustration opportunities for myself at the trend-forecasting company I'm interning at and my editorial career. So far, so good :). I'm disappointed to not be posting new work this evening but instead I thought I would take a minute to formally introduce the new addition to Travel Write Draw; the official TWD Facebook Page.
Slowly but surely I became aware of my need for an intermediary between my actual blog and twitter. I wanted a more organic space where I could post photos of inspiration straight from my phone as I walk the streets of New York; someplace I could write more than 140 characters. I wanted to directly respond to each comment left behind by one of you incredible readers. That said, I would love to hear your thoughts on the page. What would you like to see more of from me?
This journey has been as much about you as it has been about me so feel free to tweet, like, comment here, or on facebook, and let me know what you think.
Much love,
Meag xx
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